Baré language

Spoken in Venezuela, Brazil
Extinct ?
Language family
Language codes
ISO 639-3 bae
Linguist List qth (Guinao)
  qqd (Marawá)

Baré (Barawana) is an Arawakan language, probably extinct, of Venezuela and Brazil. Aikhenvald (1999) reports "just a few old speakers left" of Baré proper, and that the Guinau variety was extinct. Ethnologue (2009) reports "no known speakers". Kaufman (1994) considers Baré proper, Guinau, and extinct Marawá to be distinct languages; Aikhenvald, dialects of a single languages. (Marawá is not the same language as Marawán.)

Baré is a generic name for a number of Arawakan languages in the area, including Mandahuaca, Guarequena, Baniwa, and Piapoco. Baré [bae] is the language given this name in Kaufman, Aikhenvald, and Ethnologue.